
The Journey

The Journey curriculum is a gospel-centered resource for discipleship groups. Three full years of curriculum are available, and each year contains in-depth leader’s guides and discipleship content to help disciple makers develop mature followers of Christ, who will be able to do the same with others.

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The Journey is a Gospel-centered resource that is designed to help a disciple maker develop mature and equipped followers of Christ, who will be able to do the same with others.

The material is designed to be used over one year in a discipleship group setting. There are three different years of material identified as Green, Red, and Blue, which can be used in any order. However, be sure that you are using the same color as the rest of the journey group and/or church.

A subscription to one year of the journey curriculum gives rights for one person to access a downloadable PDF and other digital resources for one year. The digital resources include a mixed media offering of written, audio, and video materials.

The Answer and Life Issues booklets are part of the overall journey curriculum and not included in this purchase. You will use these each year as you and your group becomes more missional. You will be given the option to add these to your purchase in your cart after you add The Journey.

All Journey subscription lesson files are digital and require a PDF reader. Download AdobeReader® for free at http://get.adobe.com/reader/. If you are using a tablet or a smart phone, you may have to add a PDF Reader App.