
Discipleship Foundations

A five-week guide to discipleship that helps. Learn the foundational principles for life-on-life Missional Discipleship.


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Discipleship Foundations is a five-week discipleship guide that helps leaders understand the foundations of life-on-life missional discipleship. The material follows the familiar TEAMS structure that is used in The Journey Discipleship Curriculum. The topics covered in this guide to discipleship are:

  1. Jesus, the Ultimate Disciple Maker
  2. Biblical Foundation of Life-on-Life Missional Discipleship
  3. Elements of Transformation
  4. Qualified and Humble Leaders
  5. Power of Association

This guide to discipleship is a great tool to use as members of your group are preparing to multiply. This discipleship guide can also be helpful if you are preparing to lead a group for the first time.

The material is delivered as a PDF download and is intended for use by one individual.

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Digital Only