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Setting Pandemic Goals

Setting Pandemic Goals

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, disappointment and frustrations will continue to build unless you adjust to the new reality.

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Planning Your Time in a Pandemic

Planning Your Time in a Pandemic

You may think – “Let me get the urgent out of the way, then get on with the really important.” Actually, that doesn’t work – the important things always get left behind. Family, time with God, relationships, etc. – these are things that we lose.

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Social Connection While Physical Distancing

Social Connection While Physical Distancing

Maybe what’s bothering you is not being able to go out and see a friend – to shake a hand, give a hug, and have lunch. Or maybe it’s the fifth Zoom call of the day that takes just a bit more energy than a face-to-face conversation.

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Adjusting Accountability in Discipleship

Adjusting Accountability in Discipleship

“Assume nothing” is a motto I try to live by in leading a discipleship group. I want to lead in a way that prioritizes listening over assumptions. This is a challenge, because we are all making assumptions constantly.

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Authentic Discipleship

Authentic Discipleship

Life-on-life is spiritual formation with a telescopic lens; it brings life up close and personal so that no one can hide or, worse, fall through the cracks. For that reason it can be messy and, well, real.

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Living Generously in a Time of Crisis

Living Generously in a Time of Crisis

Living missionally is hard because it is a call to live generously. It’s not natural to make your life about others for their benefit and not your own. At least, it isn’t for me. But I don’t think I am alone in that.

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Monthly Info Calls

Interested to learn more about our discipleship training process? Our monthly information calls are a convenient way to get your questions answered from the comfort of your home or office.

Calendar of Events

Whether you are part of a current discipleship cohort or looking to learn more, check out all of our live and virtual events to see where you can take the next step.

Discipleship Training Workshops

Exclusively for current discipleship cohorts, our workshops are multi-day gatherings where church leaders dive into deep discipleship lessons, share experiences, and develop their skills.
