The Journey
A Gospel Centered Discipleship Resource
The Journey is a gospel centered discipleship resource, designed to help a disciple maker develop mature and equipped followers of Christ, who will be able to do the same with others.
It has been designed and proven to be a resource that is helpful in the context of a local church that is implementing life-on-life missional discipleship.
The Journey:
A Resource to Empower Multiplying Movements
Leader Resources
Each weekly unit has an accompanying leader guide, and an equipping video by Randy Pope, walking you through how he uses each lesson in his group.
3 Years of Content
The curriculum is broken out into three years (Red, Blue, or Green) that are available for individual purchase. The three years may be used in any order.
Direct Access
All content is sold and distributed directly through a dedicated website. Digital and print versions available.
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Discipleship Resources Library
Showing 7–12 of 15 results
Express Your Faith Kit
A church group curriculum on how to effectively share the gospel. The Express Your Faith Kit is designed for groups of 10 or fewer. Includes facilitator guide.
View $250.00 -
EYF Additional Participant Set (10-pack)
This expansion pack allows you to save on additional Express Your Faith materials for larger groups.
View $150.00 -
Express Your Faith Workbook (Single)
This is an individual version of the Express Your Faith workbooks, written by Randy Pope.
View $8.00 -
Express Your Faith (Workbook – 10 pack)
Express Your Faith is a method of effectively sharing your faith developed by Randy Pope, lead teaching pastor of Perimeter Church. Some of the essentials you will learn include how to:
- Transition the conversation from secular to spiritual
- Help your friend want to investigate Christ
- Provide resources for then to easily investigate Christ
- Introduce them to Christ and help them begin to follow Him
Express Your Faith (Workbook)
This is an individual version of the Express Your Faith workbook, written by Randy Pope.
View $8.00 – $50.00 -
Gospel Living – A Primer for “The Journey”
An excellent choice for someone considering The Journey or needing a shorter 6-week study. Shop the Gospel Living now and prime yourself for The Journey.
A primer for Life-On-Life Discipleship
Many pastors and leaders are slowly awakening to the reality that current models of ministry just aren’t working the way they had hoped they would. Randy’s journey as a pastor will encourage and invite you to consider the effectiveness and fruitfulness of your own church’s discipleship efforts.
Express Your Faith
Helping Others Investigate Christ
Express Your Faith is a method of effectively sharing your faith developed by Randy Pope, lead teaching pastor of Perimeter Church. Some of the essentials you will learn include how to
Transition a conversation from secular to spiritual
Help your friends investigate Christ
Provide discipleship resources for others to easily investigate Christ
Introduce others to Christ and help them begin to follow Him