
Books and Media

Discipleship Resources


The Journey

A Gospel Centered Discipleship Resource

The Journey is a gospel centered discipleship resource, designed to help a disciple maker develop mature and equipped followers of Christ, who will be able to do the same with others.

It has been designed and proven to be a resource that is helpful in the context of a local church that is implementing life-on-life missional discipleship.

The Journey:
A Resource to Empower Multiplying Movements

Leader Resources

Each weekly unit has an accompanying leader guide, and an equipping video by Randy Pope, walking you through how he uses each lesson in his group.

3 Years of Content

The curriculum is broken out into three years (Red, Blue, or Green) that are available for individual purchase. The three years may be used in any order.

Direct Access

All content is sold and distributed directly through a dedicated website. Digital and print versions available.

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Discipleship Resources Library

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Showing 1–6 of 14 results

  • Making and Training booklets

    Making & Training Disciples Life-on-Life

    In these booklets, Randy Pope gives insights from years of personal disciple making and training experience to show that anyone can make and train disciples in our culture today.

    View $14.99
  • Discipleship Foundations

    A five-week guide to discipleship that helps. Learn the foundational principles for life-on-life Missional Discipleship.

    View $15.00
  • Placeholder

    The Journey

    The Journey curriculum is a gospel-centered resource for discipleship groups. Three full years of curriculum are available, and each year contains in-depth leader's guides and discipleship content to help disciple makers develop mature followers of Christ, who will be able to do the same with others.

  • The Answer – Putting An End to the Search for Life Satisfaction

    Are you frustrated that your life lacks lasting satisfaction? In "The Answer," Randy Pope invites us to discover a greater purpose and more fulfilled life. This paperback book is an excellent resources for anyone looking to live a more satisfied life.

    View $10.00$50.00
  • Life Issues Booklets

    The Life Issues booklets are a perfect resource for anyone who is interested in investigating the claims of Christianity or is assisting others through that process. These 4 booklets explore the Gospel of John and are accompanied by helpful readings and questions about the Christian faith.

    View $8.00$50.00
  • INsourcing: Bringing Discipleship Back to the Local Church

    What are you doing to mature your people. Is it working? Learn how a wide-scale personal discipleship program is attainable for any church.  

    View $14.99


A primer for Life-On-Life Discipleship

​Many pastors and leaders are slowly awakening to the reality that current models of ministry just aren’t working the way they had hoped they would. Randy’s journey as a pastor will encourage and invite you to consider the effectiveness and fruitfulness of your own church’s discipleship efforts.

Express Your Faith

Helping Others Investigate Christ

Express Your Faith is a method of effectively sharing your faith developed by Randy Pope, lead teaching pastor of Perimeter Church. Some of the essentials you will learn include how to

Transition a conversation from secular to spiritual

Help your friends investigate Christ

Provide discipleship resources for others to easily investigate Christ

Introduce others to Christ and help them begin to follow Him

Monthly Info Calls

Interested to learn more about our discipleship training process? Our monthly information calls are a convenient way to get your questions answered from the comfort of your home or office.

Calendar of Events

Whether you are part of a current discipleship cohort or looking to learn more, check out all of our live and virtual events to see where you can take the next step.

Discipleship Training Workshops

Exclusively for current discipleship cohorts, our workshops are multi-day gatherings where church leaders dive into deep discipleship lessons, share experiences, and develop their skills.